A lot of people are interested in studying in one of the top universities or colleges outside their home country. They do this to get the quality of education that they want. Sometimes, the program that they would like to pursue is not available in their home country and that is why they are willing to move to a new country so they can study there.

However, to be able to do that, there are things that one has to prepare for. One of those things is the need to take and pass an exam known as the IELTS exam. This is a requirement in many countries like the UK and Canada. It tells the university or college how a person is able to communicate using the English language and these universities or colleges usually have a IELTS grade requirement. It may seem like a difficult exam but with the right preparation tips, one can breeze through it.

So how does one pass the IELTS exam? Here are some preparation tips that one may use to be ready to take this seemingly daunting exam.

Focus on vocabulary.

To focus better on learning English vocabulary, it is best to read a lot. By being exposed to a lot of words, the wider one’s vocabulary becomes. Of course, it is not just about reading and reading. One should also be more attentive to the words that they are reading and in case they do not know what it means, they can go consult a dictionary. Using context clues would also be a big help.

Be mindful of the common mistakes made.

There are certain practice IELTS tests available online and even in review classes. Try to take note of the common mistakes made and take note of those. Write those down, and write the right answers, and go back to them later on.

Persistency is key.

Doing homework regularly, going to classes during schedule, practicing at home, reading a lot, and basically reviewing all materials should be done consistently. Scheduling a date to try out mock exams and doing this on the date one scheduled for themselves is great as well. One’s persistence is going to pay big time.

Be familiar with the format of the IELTS exam.

So that one does not become surprised and not be relaxed trying to figure out how the exam goes during the actual examination date, it is best to start familiarizing oneself with the format. One can ask those who have taken the exam about the format of the IELTS exam. There are also good sources online that would help one become used to how the exam goes. That way, on the day of the exam, all one person needs to do is focusing on answering the questions well and not waste time trying to figure things out. Trying out mock IELTS exams would also be a great help.


These may be just a few of the useful tips that one can use to be prepared for the IELTS exam. It takes a lot of preparation and focus but these are important and help greatly towards acing the exam. GG Colleges offers preparation courses which are very helpful for those who are going to take the exam.

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